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Bridgestone Turanza LS-Z
Innovative Tire Design - A Comprehensive Tire Design Method; This method improves handling in wet or dry conditions and reduces irregular treadwear by combining an ideal tread design, casing shape, materials and construction.
Innovative Roundness - Rounder Is Better; Rounder overall tire shape provides better balance for wet or dry handling.
Innovative compound; Increases wear resistance by reformulating the compound for strengthening rubber.
Super EPC; Super EPC consists of advanced technologies, an Anti-Hardening Resin and Link Stabilizing Agent, to help counteract the effects of heat so tires have the flexibility needed for wet performance as they wear.
Dual Layer Tread; As the tire wears, more of the inner tread is exposed so the tire continues to have excellent grip in wet conditions.
Hydro Evacuation Surface (H.E.S.); H.E.S. more efficiently channels water away from the tread to reduce the risk of hydroplaning.
Consistent Surface Contact (C.S.C); C.S.C, a pattern of tread blocks designed for uniform contact pressure, improves dry and wet handling, reduces irregular wear, and results in better ride comfort.
Innovative Tire Design - A Comprehensive Tire Design Method; This method improves handling in wet or dry conditions and reduces irregular treadwear by combining an ideal tread design, casing shape, materials and construction.
Innovative Roundness - Rounder Is Better; Rounder overall tire shape provides better balance for wet or dry handling.
Innovative compound; Increases wear resistance by reformulating the compound for strengthening rubber.
Super EPC; Super EPC consists of advanced technologies, an Anti-Hardening Resin and Link Stabilizing Agent, to help counteract the effects of heat so tires have the flexibility needed for wet performance as they wear.
Dual Layer Tread; As the tire wears, more of the inner tread is exposed so the tire continues to have excellent grip in wet conditions.
Hydro Evacuation Surface (H.E.S.); H.E.S. more efficiently channels water away from the tread to reduce the risk of hydroplaning.
Consistent Surface Contact (C.S.C); C.S.C, a pattern of tread blocks designed for uniform contact pressure, improves dry and wet handling, reduces irregular wear, and results in better ride comfort.
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